Creature Feature Weekend


Fri, Aug 27 2021 5:00 PM EST Sun, Aug 29 2021 5:00 PM EST

             Welcome to Creature Feature Weekend!
We are more than excited to bring this Horror Convention and Film Festival back to Gettysburg, PA. We have a fully packed weekend with all of your convention favorites including Celebrity Signings, Vendors, Movies, and Q&A's! We will also be featuring a full Independent Film Festival, Food Trucks, a room of oddities, a movie with live commentary, a concert, and a live SPFX application! Best of all, we'll be in Historic Gettysburg, PA - the location of the bloodiest battle of the Civil War. The town has gone to great lengths to preserve and mark all of the locations of the battle. Whether walking through town or traveling the battlefields, you can see up to 148 historic buildings, 410 cannons, and 1,328 monuments that detail who fought and what happened at or around where the markers are located. So, stay an extra day and book a tour, or simply take a walk through Gettysburg and see where history was made!
Hotels rooms are discounted for event attendees and can be booked through the hotel ( The event rate applies for days before or after the convention so you can take time to explore Gettysburg! But book early as the hotel rate is only valid until the end of July and rooms will fill as we get closer to the event!
Event Tickets admit entrance to the convention and most movies and events (unless otherwise mentioned)
Children 10 and under are free!
All tickets purchased are non-refundable
Tickets to the event do not include Celebrity autographs or photo ops. These are an additional fee collected at the celebrity's table and prices are set by the celebrity.
All tickets purchased must be printed and presented to receive your armband
Event Hours
Friday 5PM to 9PM
Saturday 10AM to 6PM
Sunday 10AM to 5PM